October 21, 2022
The Green Technology Education Centre (GTEC) and the Simon Fraser University based Mental Health Climate Change Alliance (MHCCA) have formed a partnership to investigate the mental health impacts of the climate crisis particularly on younger people. The goal of the study is to design climate distress services that will be delivered at the False Creek Climate Response Centre.
GTEC and MHCCA, a team of health science researchers, will interview youth and young adults aged 16 to 24 as part of the study.
“We want to explore current reactions to climate change and develop ideas about educational and services that GTEC can offer to support young people,” says Arden Henley, the executive director of GTEC. “The next generation is aware of the uncertain future they’re facing, and their concerns are related to their perception that governments and other leaders of society are not responding with sufficient urgency.”
The president and chair of MHCCA, Kiffer Card, says “We are at a cross-roads when understanding what individuals and communities can and should do in the face of the climate crisis. This is absolutely critical for population health and wellness. Working with youth to develop appropriate responses will improve our health today, not to mention as we move forward into uncertain territory as our climate continues to change and challenge us.”
Henley hopes the project will lead to the development and delivery of a pilot program to support young people dealing with climate change related distress.
“I think it’s a breakthrough collaboration between the University and an on-the-ground community-based organization,” adds Henley.
For more information, contact:
Arden Henley at nwpses@gmail.com
Kiffer Card at kcard@sfu.ca
GTEC and MHCCA wish to acknowledge the support of the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research https://healthresearchbc.ca