Arden Henley Published in SUNY Collection - GTEC Blog

GTEC is delighted to announce the publication of a chapter by Board Chair Dr. Arden Henley in a State University of New York (SUNY) collection.

In this work Arden connects contemplative practice to the realm of community through the metaphor of the commons. The nondenominational cultivation of contemplative states of mind by members of a community quite naturally leads to warmth, inclusiveness, and, at its best, communitas in community settings. Contemplative states of mind are expressed in and evoke specific social practices and an egalitarian ethos that can be likened to a commons. The chapter provides specific examples of the effects of contemplative practice on the evolution of graduate programs at City University of Seattle in Canada.

Here is the official reference:

Henley, A. (2019). “No Mind in Community: Cultivating ‘Fields in Good Heart’ in an Intellectual and Professional Praxis-Enhancing Commons,” in Gunnlaugson, O., Scott, C., Bai, H., & Sarath, E.W. Catalyzing the field: Second-Person approaches to contemplative learning and inquiry. New York: SUNY