Blogs about GTEC's Climate Distress Services and Education


COP 28: Crossing the Threshold

It was tenuous, unclear until the last moment, but at COP 28 in Dubai the world crossed a critical threshold. Delegates at this conference, some 90,000 in all, agreed that ...

COP28 Food and Climate Change Declaration

Dubai, UAE, December 1, 2023 - for immediate release PRESS RELEASE COP28 Presidency puts food systems transformation on global climate agenda as more than 130 world leaders endorse Food and ...
In Support of Peace on blue background

In Support of Peace

The GTEC Team wish to convey our deep and heartfelt concern regarding the violence occurring in Gaza, the West Bank and in Israel. We are in support of non-violent political ...
/ community, international news, news, opinion
the emissions reduction plan relates to measures against polluting industry factories

Climate Change Update

Emissions Reduction Plan: Canada The federal government of Canada is not on track to meet the 2030 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below the 2005 ...
image of Not Too Late book cover

Not Too Late Book Club

The not-too-late book club, introduced by Brian Williams, is about to begin reading another book on the climate crisis. The book club is just wrapping up reading the book, Not ...
image for polycrisis depicting earth, its atmosphere and highly populated areas


This article was originally published in Vox, a news and opinion website on Oct 18, 2023 and is re-published by GTEC with the permission of the author. Why so much ...
Wildfire in Okanagan Mountain

Highlights of a Wildfire Interview

by Ross Thrasher Highlights of an Interview by Mary Kean with Wildland Fire Ecologist, Bob Gray in the GTEC Reader (Sept. 2023) Since the release of the Filmon Report, a ...
smoke from a forest fire in British Columbia

Smoke Inhalation as a Fossil Fuel Subsidy

This Op-Ed by Linda Thyer and Arden Henley, was originally published in the Vancouver Sun, August 29, 2023. Opinion: The smoke in the air that impairs our health and compromises ...
Eating more vegetables and less meat can significantly reduce the effects of climate change

Reduce the Effects of Climate Change – Poll

You’re doing it wrong: Recycling and other myths about tackling climate change Washington Post, August 28, 2023 A slim majority of Americans think their individual actions can reduce the effects ...