GTEC Reader Issue 4 Archives - GTEC Green Technology Education Centre
Plague Daze

Plague Daze

I am a Beat elder, responsive to Love, not Duty. Duty Grandma Grace had it right, I Was queer child Where normal was the portrait of a young Queen E 2 in the hall at her place And a Budgie. There are monsters in the bottom of the pool bringing me down There are...
Aging into Uncertainty

Aging into Uncertainty

Today’s aging generation is the first to look into an uncertain future for the planet and to wonder if it has left the world in a terrible mess for subsequent generations, to wonder if like so much flora and fauna around us the human species is actually on a path to...
World Flows Through

World Flows Through

Editor’s comment: We choose the image of an ancient water wheel because its exemplifies some of the themes Charles Scott touches on in the article. The water flows, turning the wheel, which in moves whatever the wheel is geared to, often a milling stone. As the wheel...