GTEC Reader Volume 1 - Issue 1 - GTEC Green Technology Education Centre

VOLUME 1 – ISSUE 1, Sept 2019


Interview with BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver
and more…


The GTEC Reader –
A Voice For Change

“We must not be ashamed that we are capable of love, friendship, solidarity, sympathy, and tolerance, but just the opposite: we must set these fundamental dimensions of our humanity free from their ‘private’ exile and accept them as the only genuine starting point of meaningful human community.” - Vaclav Havel


To publish a forum for addressing the inter-linked issues of culture, economics and the environment in a way that is more accessible than academic journals, but nevertheless well thought out and evocative.


  1. Generate constructive and reasoned dialogue about culture, economics and the environment within the context of an impending climate emergency and associated social chaos.
  2. Develop ideas, frameworks and analyses of interest to citizens, organizations and governments who are engaged in responding to the unique challenges of social, economic and environment sustainability.
  3. Cultivate connection and community among engaged citizens, organizations and governments
  4. Introduce and describe projects such as GTEC that respond the critical issue of sustainability by designing, implementing and developing solutions and embodying values reflecting environmental awareness and social justice.

Although GTEC is not affiliated with any political party we are delighted to have an interview with Andrew Weaver, Leader of the BC Green Party.




Paint Line and Word

Original Artwork, sketches and poetry

About the Authors