GTEC Reader Vol 3, Issue 4 - Climate Crisis Education

VOLUME 3 – ISSUE 4, Dec 2022


Feature article by Linda Thyer
and much more…

Healing the Planet

Dr. Linda Thyer is a family physician of European descent. She is a deep appreciator and supporter of the Indigenous world view, especially traditional wisdom regarding the Earth, and aims to lift Indigenous voices. Anxious, distressed, and occasionally coughing or short of breath, my patients arrive at my family medicine practice displaying the physical and mental health impacts of the climate crisis such as the droughts which have devitalized the rainforests of the Canadian west coast. At COP27 in Egypt, many minds were turned to climate change and reducing the causative carbon emissions through various policies and technologies. But will these be enough to save our wounded planet and all of humanity? The signs are clear that we are in…

Poem – Forest: Broken Open

A fall, A break Pain, Dazed Shimmering light Falling through Trees embrace. Laughter, sighs Peace timeless Wonder of Life larger than Life, Emerges Nothing’s the same Boundless Gratitude -Tom Culham…