By Arden Henley The climate crisis will become a homelessness crisis. Both are generated by the same set of values and the same economic system. In a reprise on a much larger scale of the large groups of people in urban environments around the world who are homeless...
By Ross Thrasher We tend to think of the coronavirus curve as a single symmetrical mountain shape. However COVID-19 can often trace other paths. Bactrian camels are rare in Iran, but that country is revealing a double-hump pattern in its coronavirus infections. ...
by Ross Thrasher No numbers this time, just some rambling thoughts about how some good could emerge from the pandemic that is strangling our world. In spite of denialism and quackery from the White House and elsewhere, most people seem to be gaining respect for...
Rosco Reports III by Ross Thrasher On April 15 the global tally of coronavirus cases passed the two-million mark, growing by 80,000 daily. 25% of these have recovered and 6.5% have died. In the media there has been much discussion of “the curve”, the...
This is my charge to everyone: We have to be better. We have to love more and hate less, listen more and talk less. It is our responsibility to make this world a better place. Megan Rapinoe Co-captain World Cup winning US Women’s Soccer Team A Mountain to Climb We...
Autumn is in the air and the zeitgeist is unsettled. Greta has arrived in New York to talk to the United Nations. The Amazon rainforest is on fire. The Hong Kong young people take to the streets knowing they will face tear gas, rubber bullets and blue paint. They got...