Here I am in the 21st century I have to say it ain’t as cool as I hoped it would be. Steve Earle When despair grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood...
And to this earth We shall return Sun lives inside of us too Let us be A shimmering On the surface Of being While the hunters’ guns Echo in the forest below While ravens discuss the business of skies While our eyes remain open For yet another day Off trail deer trails...
Students settle in for a subject that is both compelling and disturbing. They’re a mix of first year and senior level students from programs at the University of British Columbia such as Arts, Engineering and Kinesiology. Today, they will hear how extreme weather...
Dr. Linda Thyer is a family physician of European descent. She is a deep appreciator and supporter of the Indigenous world view, especially traditional wisdom regarding the Earth, and aims to lift Indigenous voices. Anxious, distressed, and occasionally coughing or...