More and more, people want to have more information about wildland fire weather and smoke, including forecasting for air quality.
BlueSky Canada, established in 2007, conducts research and has published daily wildfire smoke forecasts for Canada in 2010. Fire weather forecasts were added in 2020. The data and forecasts are intended to be information tools for professionals and the public for health and safety, and emergency response decisions.
Visit the FireSmoke Canada website to access information about fires, BlueSky Canada smoke forecasts, fire weather forecasts, and the BlueSky Playground. Playground is used to create emissions scenarios and models, and view the resulting smoke dispersion forecast.
Smoke forecast for July 22, 9am vs. 9pm
The FireSmoke forecast map shows the best estimate of when and where wildfire smoke events may occur over the next two days. Although this is an excellent tool, please be aware that the map may not correspond exactly with local smoke and timing. Please refer to the disclaimer on the FireSmoke website.
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Preparing for wildfires is an important task and is not one that many organizations think about doing. In March 2024, GTEC and the Federation of Community Social Services of B.C. produced a webinar called Preparing Your Organization for the 2024 Wildfire Season. Watch the webinar here.