Augmented reality shows students how they can change future of their communities A team of University of British Columbia researchers is creating a video game where Vancouver high school students can experience how their individual choices can minimize the effects of...
2018 temperatures expected to be the hottest yet, breaking 2017 record The oceans are warming faster than previously estimated, setting a new temperature record in 2018 in a trend that is damaging marine life, scientists said on Thursday. New measurements, aided by an...
Foreword by António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General Climate change is the defining challenge of our time, yet it is still accelerating faster than our efforts to address it. Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide are higher than they have been for 800,000...
Canada can stimulate or lead markets in the direction of low-carbon goods and services through green procurement policies. The headlines today are full of stories on the North American Free Trade Agreement, and rightly so. But while NAFTA rules the front pages, other...
VICTORIA—Dan Woynillowicz, policy director at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to the federal government’s release of draft legislative proposals for the federal carbon pricing system: “The federal government has laid out a comprehensive...
Cities like Vancouver aim to combat climate change. Twelve major cities including London, Paris, Los Angeles, and Cape Town promised on Monday to buy only zero-emissions buses from 2025 and to make major areas free of fossil fuel emissions by 2030 to protect the...