GTEC Reader Nov 1 - Climate Crisis Education

VOLUME 1 – ISSUE 2, Nov 2019

Article by Shannon Lough,
and more…

The GTEC Reader –
A Voice For Change

“The GTEC Reader addresses the inter-linked issues of culture, economics and the environment in a way that is more accessible than academic journals, but nevertheless well thought out and evocative.”

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Climate: A New Story

Eisenstein, Charles   (2018) Climate: A New Story  Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. “Everywhere people are talking about the desperate need for a new story. I suggest that the stories worth attending to…


Excerpts from “the river carries that which the mountains cannot hold”

Commentary by Arden Henley
Arden: For the road ahead we need inspiration. Inspiration is Chris’ vocation and he does not fail us in the river carries that which the mountains…

Paint Line and Word

Original Artwork, sketches and poetry

Paint Box Poem

1 First, a thin wash. Decent paper and brush, masking tape. Radio 3 or 4. Paints from the charity shop. The entire dining table. Lay the light down first then…


Scott Lawrance

Scott and his Salish Sea Eco-retreats partner, Tara Souch offer annual eco-retreats for wilderness guides and interested professionals. He is the author of four books of poetry and has, in the past, edited two poetry magazines, “Raven” and “Circular Causation”.Scott has taught at all levels of public education from grade two to post-Secondary.

Miranda Pearson

Prize winning poet, Miranda Pearson, is well-known on Canada’s West Coast and in the UK. Her recently published fourth book of poems, Rail, is available in book stores now.Miranda was born in Westerham Kent, England. She attended art school in London, and studied at the University of Brighton. She moved to Canada in 1991 to work as a psychiatric nurse. Miranda received an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, where she was poetry editor for Prism International. Pearson has taught Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia and at Simon Fraser University.