GTEC Reader Issue 4 - Climate Crisis Education

VOLUME 1 – ISSUE 4, March 2020

Feature Article by Guy Dauncey
and much more…

The GTEC Reader –
A Voice For Change

Since the publication of our previous issue we have entered a new and unprecedented era, one in which all our taken-for-granted assumptions and habits are being challenged by a tiny virus and the global pandemic it is causing.

From the outset the GTEC Reader aspired to be a voice for change particularly in relation to the climate crisis. Our position is that COVID-19 is a prelude to the havoc that could be wrought by the climate crisis should we continue to delay responding vigourously. One of the many lessons COVID-19 is teaching us is the cost of denial and delay. The populations of countries in which governments have been slow to respond have paid a very heavy price.

In a more positive vein, COVID-19 is reminding us of the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. We are also seeing during this period when our usual economic activity is curtailed, how quickly nature responds. The canals of Venice run clear, swans and fish have been spotted paddling and swimming around and porpoises spotted off the coast.

The entire GTEC team wishes all of you safety and good health. We will gather together again on the other side and there will be singing and dancing everywhere.

World Flows Through

Editor’s comment: We choose the image of an ancient water wheel because its exemplifies some of the themes Charles Scott touches on in the article. The water flows, turning the…

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Plague Daze

I am a Beat elder, responsive to Love, not Duty. Duty Grandma Grace had it right, I Was queer child Where normal was the portrait of a young Queen E…


Guy Dauncey

Guy is the founder of the BC Sustainable Energy Association, co-founder of the Victoria Car Share Cooperative, and the author or co-author of ten books, including the award-winning Cancer: 101 Solutions to a Preventable Epidemic and The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming. His most recent book is Journey to the Future – A Better World is Possible, an ecotopian novel set in Vancouver in the Year 2032.

Charles Scott

I am an Associate Professor in the Albright School of Education at City University in Canada and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Research and writing interests include dialogue and relationality; contemplative inquiry and practice; curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment; and the aims of education.

Norman Sam

Norman Sam is Co-Founder of Lunge Systems ( Prior to Lunge Systems, He co-founded a corporate wellness company that provided workplace wellness services to many of B.C.’s largest public and private sector institutions and firms. Previously he worked in real estate development in California, Arizona, Ontario, and the Lower Mainland. Norman is a graduate of UBC and BCIT with specialties in finance and hospitality management.

Arden Henley

Arden Henley is a past Vice President of City University of Seattle in Vancouver, and Principal of Canadian Programs. Arden has a BA from McMaster, an MA from Duquesne in Pittsburgh and a Doctorate in Education Leadership from SFU.

Well known for his innovative leadership style and thought-provoking presentations, Arden has practiced Organizational Development and Family Therapy for over 35 years and consulted broadly with community and government agencies. His recently published book entitled “Social Architecture: Notes & Essays” summarizes his experience as both a Therapist and Organization Development Consultant.

Scott Lawrance

Scott Lawrance, Ed.D., R.C.C. – A retired member of the B.C. Teacher’s Federation, Scott has taught at all levels of public education from grade two to post-Secondary. His current professional interests include Buddhist approaches to eco-therapy. Scott and his Salish Sea Eco-retreats partner, Tara Souch offer annual eco-retreats for wilderness guides and interested professionals. He is the author of four books of poetry and has, in the past, edited two poetry magazines, “Raven” and “Circular Causation”.