GTEC is happy to announce the recent release of “So, How Have I Been Doing At Being Who I Am? – At 82, A Life in Progress”, a memoir by our friend, Michael Clague. Michael is a Former director of The Fraser Basin Council, and the Chair of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver program dialogue series: Faith and the Climate Crisis. He has worked in the fields of adult education, social policy and planning, and community development.
April 2023
Michael Clague
A compelling and deeply personal memoir by Michael Clague, a Vancouver community activist with a career across Canada. Lessons learned about self, about community organizing and the struggles to build a better world. The reader is challenged to reflect on her/his own life journey.
I do not remember a book that moved me so much as this one.
– Ray Spaxman. Former Director of Planning, City of Vancouver.
Should be in the library of every school of social work, social planning and planning.
– Gordon Gram. Retired, development industry and environmental and land use public sector planner.
I liked this book very much. In my career in publishing and philanthropy I’ve read about many inspiring people, and I’m really impressed with his story telling skills. Like a friend sharing some of his life story over a coffee or a beer.
– Karen Theroux. Former writer/editor for the Carnegie Corporation, New York.
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