Past & Current Partners - GTEC Green Technology Education Centre

Past & Current Partners

The Project:

Neighbourhood Environmental Education Programs

Funding Partners:

ConeTec and Wellspring Charitable Foundation


The Project:

GenZ Goes Electric

Funding Partner:

Emotive – The Electric Vehicle Experience

The Project:

Funding Partner:

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research


Mental Health and Climate Change Alliance (MHCCA)

The Project:

Phase I Project: Assessing the Readiness of Community Social Services to Respond to the Impacts of Climate Change

Phase II Project: Building Climate Change Resilience in the Community Social Services Sector

Funding Partners:

Phase I funded by FCSSBC; Phase II funded by Social Planning and Research Council (SPARC BC)


The Project:

Climate Response Centre

Funding Partner:

Trottier Family Foundation and Wellspring Charitable Foundation provided initial funding

The Project:

Funding Partner:

VanCity Community Foundation